Village life: Try It Again For the First Time

The last few days I´ve been reading up to learn more about using social media. It´s not that I don´t use it. It´s just that I´m now overwhelmed with all the different I´m looking for some help in coordinating myself, my thoughts and all my different social media tools (not to mention all my accounts and passwords!)

So, it´s been 15 months since my last post. So, I´m not doing so hot on that rule of thumb. Part of the reason for my absence from this blog has been that we actually moved away from the pueblo to a bigger city for a couple of years. That doesn´t mean that I have stopped learning and gaining additional insights into a culture not my own; but I have felt a bit hypocritical writing about life in a pueblo as I´ve lived in a city whose population is an estimated 200,000+.

The good news is that we are actually moving BACK to the pueblo in the next month. So, as the sun sets on our time as city dwellers, I look forward to a new season where I´ll be free(er) to authentically process and share fresh experiences as an American living in a true village town of Catalunya. Hopefully my new-found insights to blogging, twittering, status updates, etc. will also help to usher in a new chapter of blog entries for your culture-crossing reads.

Can´t wait to see what´s in store for us on the horizon!


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