Tour de France Watching

So, yesterday was just another lazy day in our pueblo BUT we had some visitors. Of course, they came through really quickly, but nonetheless it was fun to greet them here.

Ruben and I gathered a few snacks, threw some drinks into a cooler, packed our camping chairs into the car and drove out to the highway that passes through our little town. (About 2 minutes away by car, 10-15 minutes if you're walking.) Within the hour (and after the partaking of our snacks) we were on our feet cheering on and filming the participants of the 2009 Tour de France.

They flew by so fast that I'm glad that I recorded it so that I could go back and watch it later. What I didn't know is the incredible number of cars and motorcycles that go along with the cyclists. Of course, if you watch it on TV you see the support cars that carry all the extra bicycles and other stuff....but there are also cars that travel along that just pass out samples of products. There are even huge trucks/vans that sell official Tour de France paraphenalia. (sp?) So, if you'd like to get a glimpse of what we saw you can click on the 2 videos below. The one glitch is that while filming I got carried away and started watching with my own eyes and my camera hand drifted upward. At one point all you can see are helmets whizzing by. Oh well, you get the idea!

The Head of the Pack

The Pack


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