The Kite Runner

This week we went to see the movie The Kite Runner. It's about 2 young boys growing up in Afghanistan in the 1970's. It's a precious story that portrays a simple but beautiful Afghan custom of kite flying.

It's a profound story of betrayal and redemption with the pain and turmoil and destruction of the Soviet Invasion and the eventual Taliban takeover as the backdrop for the movie. Actually the writers show only a disturbing glimpse of the oppression: enough to rouse concern and empathy for those in Afghanistan who continue to encounter this reality; but not too much so as to offend and close off the viewer to the rest of the story.

The film opens a door for us into the personal lives of particular characters who lived in Afghanistan. Although it is ficticious, it reflects the reality that many people have lived. This portrayal of human life, precious life, is a reminder for me that when I see a foreign face on the street here in Barcelona, that it comes with a history, a culture, a drama and helps curb the tendency to assume or judge based only on what I see in the news. Many that come seeking asylum, seeking a better life, have been victims themselves. What can I do to give support and be a salve to help them create a new life where they live now?

I highly recommend this movie to all.
If you'd like to see the trailer, click on the link below.


  1. I haven't seen the movie, but I read the book. It was very good. I recommend his second book, too - A Thousand Splendid Suns.


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