On the Work Front: Unexpected Friends

This fall has been a strange time for me....transitioning to marriage and also surfing the transition that's going on inside our organization. In the beginning, there was a lull period where I just didn't have a lot to do and I also wasn't part of any team. I found myself a little lost and wondering where I fit in.

As the fall semester got underway, I began meeting with this couple, Eva Aldea and Marc Fuentes, to work on the few responsibilities we have. They have been patient with me as I express frustration and blow off steam. They have also shared their struggles in this transition.

As we continue to press forward, I am finding that a cameraderie is being built among us. Although the changes aren't coming as fast as I'd like them to, I'm learning so much about myself--how impatient I am! I'm also learning the importance of humility and kindness and the value of the journey itself, not just the destination.

I still get a great thrill from accomplishing a goal and arriving at my destination, but Marc and Eva are helping me to learn not to miss the fun along the way!


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